Thursday, August 9, 2012

End of Summer + lightly reflecting on it + short IBasso update

As I sit here writing this I have a piece of gauze in my mouth after coming back from the dentist and having a little tooth/extra piece of bone pulled out of it. Still a little bit numb but I'm sure the pain will come soon. The end of Summer is coming soon! :O What a summer it has been!

I initially wasn't all that excited for Summer but in the end it turned out pretty well. Honestly, from what I feel, I spent most of this summer becoming lazier and lazier. (Not necessarily a bad thing, as it's been nice to just kick back and relax) However, it has been kind of hard getting back into the swing of things in preparation of the coming school year but it's getting there. I spent most of my summer throwing money at my moneypit  *cough* I mean car *cough* but will most likely drive the crap out of it in the next 6 months while I save up for what is basically my dream car (Swapped RS with WRX/STI swap!! xD) and I get to put all my cool parts on this car onto the next car I get. I <3 that Subarus are like legos. I learned a lot more about cars, but any really tired of the lack of boost. So time to go boosted! xD (Super super excited for this if you couldn't already tell)

Anyhow, between that, work, church activities and hanging out with friends, Summer turned out to be quite eventful. I went on some really cool hikes and on the days I wasn't lazy, I was able to go running early morning and see the sun rise (which is pretty much one of the most awesome things you can do early in the morning). I didn't spend a whole lot of my summer doing productive things academically and next summer I'll probably spend out of state working as a intern somewhere. *crossing my fingers for California*

The other thing I wanted to talk about separately from the rest of this stuff is the IBasso. IBasso has continued to impress me with each firmware update and the company itself is stellar. I seriously do love how it sounds and it really is cream of the crop as far as portable audio goes IMHO. There isn't really even words to describe how good the music sounds for portable use. This thing works great as a bedside rig paired with my LCD-2s. I spent a lot of summer rediscovering music I hadn't listened to in a while and hearing things I truly have never heard before. Crystal cables should be sent off to be built soon as well. (Super excited for this as well!) At this point, I may be doing some major updates to my current desktop rig (which is slightly getting the edge in sounding better than the IBasso), at the same time though as a college student I think my audiophile journey is nearing a end. I think it's time to kick back and really just get immersed in all my music all over again. :) One thing, I'm going to try to follow through the school year with that I am currently doing right now is: I wake up every day now and ask myself am I doing something to make myself better in some aspect and if I am, then I am satisfied

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