Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chinese music + Judging debate + Fall break

So this weekend has been super hectic and have spent the majority of it judging high school debate. I guess one of the coolest things about debate is the atmosphere at competitions and judging debate brings back both good and bad memories. I got back to my dorm super late from judging yesterday night which was kinda not cool. :( Anyways, moving on... Fall break is this week. I have no idea what my plans are yet but even on break there is a lot to do this year. Sadly I'm spending the first part of it maxing out my hours at my job so I make maximum profit. Yay! :) Just time consuming...haha.
Which brings me to Chinese music... another time consuming thing, although I quite enjoy spending my time listening to music. Chinese music, in my opinion, is better produced and recorded at a much higher quality than most pop music produced in the U.S. today. I'm always finding new songs that I like and feel that most songs have more meaningful lyrics than crappy "top" of the charts music in the U.S. (Yeah, I'm looking at you Ke$ha and actually just most pop...blah). Even Chinese pop music sounds better. Anyways, two songs that I've currently been listening to on repeat that i'm addicted to right now are:

"Still In Love With You" 依然愛你 - 王力宏 Wang Leehom + Wong Fu Productions (woot!)
(A couple of my facebook friends posted about this one and it's just ridiculously good.)

"A Beautiful lost" 遺失的美好 - 張韶涵 Angela Chang
(The lyrics for this one are really pretty if you understand the lyrics...feel free to comment here or PM me on head-fi if you want a translation) :)

Although both of these songs are super sappy, I'm going to emphasize the point that it's just plain superior to modern American pop music. Out of vocal music, female Asian singers are some of my favorite vocalists. I'm going to end this post here.

I think I'll spend my fall break just relaxing, listening to Chinese music, and sleeping. I'll update again at the end of break and post any exciting adventures during the break.

Till then.